Thous characters Nevertheless – the longer it is at the same for position in the search results! Senuto’s SERP Analysis module can help you determine your text nes. Take care of the semantics of the content – The title of the article should be an H heading. On the other h, subheadings should be plac in H headings, subdivisions should be plac in H headings. However, remember to keep the content legible adjust the number of subheadings to the length of the text. Highlight the most important fragments in bold (mark b). Use keywords long tails – Use an exhaustive number of keywords phrases in the publication (ideally, if they will appear in different variations), as well as questions that are most often enter in the field of a given term.
Dont forget to use them subheadings
Wondering how many words you should use? To do this, use analytical tools, such as the SEMSTORM itor , which, among other things, thanks to the suggestion option, it will recommend the exact number of phrases for a given query suggest what new Saudi Arabia Phone Numbers List keywords you can additionally use in the text. If you want to be notic not only by Google, but also to gather a loyal group of recipients, make sure that the phrases you incorporate sound natural. Complete meta tags – Meta tags play an important role in crawling crawlers. Appropriate optimization of HTML tags plac in the source code of the blog is the basis for these activities to bring results. For this reason, make sure to supplement with natural keywords such tags as title meta description. Don’t skip.
The presence of image descriptions
Put in the article also positively affects the classification in the search ranking. Do not underestimate the potential of ALTs, because they are also a signal for Google robots, thus – a chance for promotion. Internal linking – Internal linking on the UK Email Database company blog supports the positioning of your website. Therefore, use links in your publications to other, thematically relat entries products or services provid by you Then the Internet user will spend more time on your website than he expect, this will be important information for Google, which may decide about promotion in the search hierarchy. Make sure your URL is friendly – An eye-friendly URL is another factor that is important from an SEO point of view.