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Support an important cause together

Well, now that I have convinced you (I hope) to involve your team in choosing your end-of-year gifts, don’t forget that Digital Marketing can be a great source of ideas. Here are some of my own! Laurent has been supporting the “ Un Enfant par la Main ” association for years  … And I’m a fan of associations that help people and the environment!

And surely your customers too

So, Digital Marketing is also an opportunity to please your customers and your favorite associations.

Why not launch a campaign such as the following: Send your customers a personalized e-card, telling them that you are going to plant 50 trees in their name for the holidays ,

  • And that in addition, if they liked Netherlands Phone Number List this gesture, they can go to a dedicated page on your website, where they can like your associative support project,
  • And as soon as you get 1,000 likes, you’ll plant 1,000 more trees!

I took here the example of reforestation, but it is possible to decline this type of device for any associative cause.

Give your customers a fun time

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The Internet makes it fun. There are plenty of games online, and there’s nothing stopping you from creating one specifically for your customers.

Imagine a contest for your 200 customers and only for them!

You create, with the help of dedicated tools, or UK Email Database via a specialized company, your own version of the  online game “ Pigeon Shooting ”. And you email it to your customers.

By specifying that magnificent gifts will be sent to all participants and that the 10 best scores will benefit from an outing to Paris with your team!

You could also create a contest, official, but reserved for your customers. This is also the idea of ​​Jérôme Guibaud , a Digital Marketing expert who presents it to us on emarketinglicious .

This idea is applicable if your company has a large professional network.

In this case, you could propose to your 3 best customers to participate in their communication.

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