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Donation Centers Especially Those In

The applicable limits have not been chang since except for the increase in taxfree amounts to the extent corresponding to the increase in prices last year. It has been years, so their real value has significantly decreas as a result of inflation. However, I negatively assess the implementation of collective limits for donations from several people emphasiz. Piotr Prokocki, tax advisor. In his opinion, this raises particular reservations in relation to donations made by persons classifi in the third tax group The introduction of a collective limit of. Taxfree donations made between persons includ in this group will affect public collections, including those carri out via Internet portals.

So far the tax authorities have present

Favorable position according to which in the case of this. Type of collection we can assume that each donation is made by a different person if the data provid to us by the collection portal does not indicate anything else. In practice, only onetime transfers, the Denmark Cell Phone Number List amount of which exce , , were subject to taxation. Emphasiz Piotr Prokock He notes that taxation was very rare with this type of collection. However, the introduction of a collective limit would result in a drastic increase in the taxation of such collections. If the new collective limits do not include collections for charity, the negative effects of the new regulation will not be strongly felt by those most in ne claim Piotr Prokock.

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Check What are the tax consequences

Of listing a service at a charity auction? Links in the text of the article may refer directly to the relevant documents in the program You must be logg in to view these documents Access to the content of documents in the program depends on the UK Email Database licenses you have. Authors Wieslawa Moczydlowska. Krzysztof Koślicki Share the article Print add to Favorites COMMENT Read also Donation from an aunt within a foster family taxfree HOME FINANCE TAX ADVISOR INHERITANCE GIFT TAX A monetary donation made by the aunt, as a legal guardian, is exempt from inheritance donation tax. The legislator equates.

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