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This Process With Caution Carefully Consider

It is also not recommend to index them if they are us only sorting of articles, what is more, they sound the same or similar to the names of the store’s categories. Then it can cause additional problems – cannibalization of keywords. Therefore, you should approach the division of the blog. The next important step is to plan the subject of the entries, which, as mention above, should refer to the offer. At the same time, it is important that the topics have not only substantive value, but that they support SEO activities. This way, you can create visibility-enhancing materials while responding to your customers’ nes.

The Google search engine itself can

Help with this providing hints or extensive tools such as SENUTO, in which you can perform a comprehensive analysis of key phrases. Suppose we have an online store selling garden furniture. In the search engine, we can see frequently enter queries Wuhan Mobile Phone Number List regarding this phrase. However, only more advanc tools will provide us with extensive information. Sample search results (source Google search) There is a separate section in SENUTO that allows you to analyze keywords that are questions ask by users. In it, next to the query, the frequency of searches in a month Average monthly number of searches seasonality are display.

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On this basis you can choose best

Suit topics that will help you gain potential customers. In the present case, these may be queries such as How to paint garden furniture? How to protect garden furniture? Keyword analysis in Senuto – queries for “garden furniture” (senuto) It is particularly UK Email Database important to choose keywords in such a way as not to create cannibalization between individual articles, or between articles store categories or products. For this reason, for example, the text “Garden furniture – what is worth knowing” should definitely not appear on the blog of the mention store, because there is such a product category. Once you have a pool of phrases, for each of them it is worth doing the so-call.

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