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This is important in about taking different

The company logo in the chat window Treat customers individually An issue particularly important for customer satisfaction . People visiting the online store. Website again or contacting your company again want to feel that they were remembered by the staff. It is worth using. Mechanisms that facilitate such reception ” welcome back!. Enter different greetings in the chat for people visiting the online store again and for people who are on the website for the first time. Just use the. Socalled mechanism cookies, . cookie files. addressing as “Mr. Paweł”, “Mrs. Julio” most clients like such a personal approach in conversation. Enter the name question in the chat client login window.

Service by the same consultant if

The chat channel in the store is supported by. More than one consultant, use the mechanism that transfers the notification in the chat to the. Consultant who last contacted a given customer (the socalled relationship maintenance mechanism). Customer Nepal Mobile Number List tracking” use the information collected by the chat widget about the store page the customer is on at a given moment, about previously visited pages in your store, about the time he has already spent with you and from where to you hit (where the redirect came from). This information will facilitate the individual treatment of the customer.

Phone Number List

Even when contacting your online

Store for the first time, and in the case of sales activities will allow you to better adjust the presented offer Gather knowledge about the client Although it is a cliché to say that knowing customer preferences increases sales, quite often gathering knowledge about customers is an issue neglected in store chat communication. Choose a solution that inclus UK Email Database an automatic connection to a database where consultant notes and call summaries will be placed, or integrate the chat channel with a separate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system Don’t bore do not ask the same question again see point . Use notes from previous conversations with customers, also from communication in other channels telephone, email etc.

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