Read VAT in the notarial fee legitimate or not? The Ombudsman Notary fees calculator Add tax or part of the tax? The Ombudsman refers to the explanations of the President of the NCR, which indicate the establish practice of adding VAT to the notarial fee. This practice, however, is contrary to the view of the Ministry of Finance, according to which VAT should not be add to the remuneration agre by the notary public with the parties to the transaction, but should be its component As a result, doubts have arisen as to whether this practice is lawful whether it does not violate the rights of citizens using the services of notaries. Read in LEX The nature scope of privacy of the notary’s remuneration towards the notary selfgovernment due to the notarial act Price for you Notary Law.
Comment Templates of notarial
Des certifications Wojciech Gonet Check WE RECOMMEND MS sees injustice In an extensive response, the Ministry of Justice notic an element of injustice in the existing regulations in the light of the introduc tax law provisions, including the principle of neutrality of the tax on goods services. In the opinion of the Ministry of Finance, it would be reasonable for Spain Phone Numbers List the Ministry of Finance to conduct an analysis taking into account national EU jurisprudence issue a general interpretation or initiate legislative work. The Ministry point out that the provisions in this area may raise justifi doubts, therefore the draft amendment to the Notarial Act could be the basis for rethinking the problem in.
The context of notaries remuneration
Read also The nature of the notary’s remuneration the statute of limitations for the pursu claim Contradictory positions of ministries When analyzing these explanations, it is hard not to notice a certain inconsistency in the present UK Email Database positions. Therefore, it is difficult to state unequivocally whether the regulations in force in this respect allow the notary’s remuneration to be increas by the value add tax due According to the Defender, the linguistic interpretation of the provisions does not allow for such an increase. Otherwise, it would be an unacceptable broad interpretation of the provisions. In view of the doubts appearing in the positions of the Ministry of Finance the Ministry of Justice, clarification of this issue should be consider.