Abolition of the requirement to print brochures; an refund and return to the country in the event of the organiser’s bankruptcy. All information on this can be found here . What is the morn customer like? Changes in EU law show that today’s consumer is more protect, but also aware . Accord to Trip Advisor, this also affects the purchas process of the average customer, which is start to change. Currently, the Internet is the main source of knowlge about places that are consir to be visit by the consumer. Accord to the Worldwi Travel Path to Purchase report, the average person nes days to make a book cision . She visits travel sites and pages before mak a choice.
As we can see cision-mak is currently
Process bas mainly on a conscious cision bas on knowlge riv from the Internet. Therefore, a morn consumer browses offers, websites, reads opinions and uses travel websites. Purchas process Thus, the selection of an offer is a purchas process that Cameroon Mobile Number List can be divid into three stages: inspiration shopp mak cisions Inspiration is characteriz by draw information from various sources. These do not have to be only websites of travel agencies, but travel magazines, reviews or ordinary mia writ about a given corner of the world. The shopp stage is already associat with the recipient who is interest in book a specific trip or place.
At this point you can act more directly
In orr to convince the consumer that it is worth choos our offer. And of course, make sure that a simple book leads to the purchase of a trip or a hotel room. Even more precise is the group of people at the cision-mak stage , the final UK Email Database choice (the client wants to go somewhere, has look at the offers and intends to “make a al”). This is of course the best target group we can reach. It is the easiest way to convince her to make a cision. But how to do it? Above all, stand out! Before a potential customer makes a cision, it is worth attract his attention with someth. Appropriate online visibility seems to be crucial at this point. For this, you must certainly invest in market.