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Working wholeheartedly and producing
Achievements is one of the results of applying a unique work ethic. You need to know that a good work ethic has been implemented by . Western European and American society. Through a cultural approach, they created a doctrine in their religion that being lazy and wasting time whatsapp database is the ultimate sin. There is also another concept which states that work is a calling that makes followers work seriously to glorify the God they worship. Understanding work ethic career Work ethic is a set of positive behaviors and foundations that include the motivation that drives them, main characteristics, basic spirit, basic thoughts, code of ethics, moral code, code of behavior, attitudes, aspirations, beliefs, principles and standards. standards (Sinamo, Darodjat; 2015:77). In simple terms, the paragraph above means.
That work ethic is a reflection
Of a person’s discipline, enthusiasm and productivity. Someone who has a low work ethic will also have low productivity, and vice versa. Characteristics We can see work ethic in everyday personal life. We can see the characteristics of high and low work ethic through the following list. (Darodjat, 2015) A. High UK Email Database Work Ethic Have high work motivation both external and internal Has a future orientation Morality is seriousness when it comes to work Work hard and respect your time Discipline in work Economical and simple Persevere and tenacious B. Low Work Ethic Feeling that work is a burden Lacking and even not appreciating the results of work Work is seen as an obstacle to obtaining pleasure.