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Partments secretaries of municipal offices

What is extremely worrying, almost of violations are caus by human error. The number of violations committ using the socall phishing a method of extorting private information by impersonating another person or institution. Errors in the configuration of security systems are also becoming a growing problem. Almost every fourth breach is caus by an unsecur transfer. Not much less, as much as . of data security incints, are caus by a low level of authorization and system failures Legal aspects of data security in the enterprise As the number of threats increases, so does the number of ways to combat these threats. New legal regulations are creat, the failure to comply with which entails draconian financial penalties and other consequences.

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Aware of the current risk of losing personal data protection, as well as the consequences of their leakage for customers and users. What legal provisions regulate the security of data in the cloud? GDPR regulation Regulation of the European Cyprus Mobile Number List Parliament and of the Council (EU) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) In this legal act, we can get acquaint with  of personal data, as well as what obligations in this respect have enterprises and other institutions processing and administering personal data.

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The tail guilines for the protection

According to research by VMware Carbon Black, threats to the cybersecurity of institutions belonging to the financial sector are growing and on a scale we have never seen before. As many as of information security experts working for global industry UK Email Database lears admitt that recently the proficiency of cybercriminals forc them to intensify their efforts aim at a greater level of security of information systems. Announcement of the KNF Office Announcement of the Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority regarding the processing of information by supervis entities in a public or hybrid cloud The communication regulates the security of data process not only by banks, but also by investment companies and insurance companies.

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