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However it is worth being aware

They are assign tags relat to the purchas. Productsservices, language of communication ( Polish, English), geographical location or any other criteria. Similarly, tags are assign to agents in the company accord to their competencies. Partments ( technical support, shipments, account, etc.), knowlge of foreign languages, geographical location or any other distuish features. The incom call from the client (phone, e-mail, chat) is direct to a group of. Ggents with the same tag ( specializ in a given product andor speak English), which. Significantly increases the chances of quickly solv the client’s problem. A feature present in more advanc communication platforms.

Voice Announcement System Interactive

Voice Response the customer, after call the company. Chooses which partment he wants to connect with. Rirection takes place after listen to the announcement and dial one of the digits given in the announcement, relat to the given Italy Phone Numbers List partment, on the phone. Contact with a specific partment increases the chances that the client will present his problem to people with the competence to solve it. IVR can be us in. Combination with call queu accord to agent competencies. ) Contact history – a combination of the communication platform with CRM , a database in which information about the entire history of contacts with each customer is collect.

Phone Number List

Information about the product mol purchas

This function is very useful in customer service, as by the customer. Service history, distributor, nes and capabilities of the customer is often necessary to solve the report problem ( in the cloth industry – customer sizes. In the software industry – hardware UK Email Database or operat system customer), and often the customer himself is not able to provi this information. Maintain the relationship – a mechanism thanks to which a call from a customer (phone call, e-mail, chat notification) is first. Direct to the agent who last talk to a given customer. In this way. The agent is already introduc to the situation, which makes it easier for him to quickly solve the client’s problem.

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