When choosing a Pixel name, remember that you only get one Pixel per ad account, so the name should represent your business, not a specific campaign. Step 2: Add the Pixel code to your website. To use Pixel, you nee to install some code on your web pages. Depending on the tools you have adde to your website, there are two ways to do this. this time. Another option is to use an integration or tag manager. Press ” Copy and Paste the Code” . Copy and paste the main Pixel code into the header of your web page after the headtag but before the head tag.
A custom conversion code
If you use this method, you’ll nee to paste it into Latest Mailing Database each page or your theme’s template. When you are ready, click “Next”. Copy the appropriate “event” code according to the activities you want to track on your web page. Click on “Custom Event” for. This Facebook article will help you figure out which setting is best for you: Basic, Recommende, or Advance. Paste the “event” code in the appropriate place on your web page base on what you want to track.
Pixel Helper extension
The code should immeiately go under the </head> tag to the page that opens as a result of the tracke action (for example, a thank you page). Or you can add code to specific HTML elements, such as buttons, that trigger actions on the page. When you are UK Email Database ready, click “Next”. Step 3: Make sure your Facebook Pixel is working properly on the website Before you start using your Facebook Pixel data, you nee to confirm that it is working properly. Download the Facebookfor Google Chrome . Visit the page where you installe the Facebook Pixel.