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Additional Obligations On Companies

Such among others changes are plann to be introduc by the Ministry of Development Technology in the construction law. Czytaj investments with the obligation to correct Date add Source iStock The existence of the right to duct VAT on purchases is establish at the moment of incurring the expenditure. If the taxpayer intend to use it only for activities subject to VAT, he has the full right to duct VAT also in relation to investment expenditures, as a result of which a fix asset will be creat writes Małgorzata associate at ENODO. Share the article add to Favorites In practice, the conviction has.

Become establish that the abonment

Of the investment for reasons not attributable to the taxpayer will not result in the obligation to correct under Art. of the VAT Act, the taxpayer does not have to return the VAT duct from the abovemention investment purchases cf. individual interpretations UK Mobile Number List of the director of the National Tax Information of February KDIPT WL No. KDIB MN Effects of selling the effects of a discontinu investment However, there is one catch here. The above position applies only to the stage of discontinuing the investment. If the taxpayer then decides to sell the l or outlays relat to such an investment, the obligation to correct may be reactivat.

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The risk in this regard exists in particular

When the sale takes place by way of an activity exempt from VAT pursuant to Articlea of the VAT Act. Article sec. of the VAT Act clearly indicates that the adjustment also covers goods services purchas by the taxpayer in order to produce the goods referr UK Email Database to in Art. sec. of the VAT Act fix assetsintangible assetsl, which were sold or chang their purpose before hing over the abovemention goods for use. In practice, it is most often about expenses for the purchase of l expenditure on the socall “fix assets under construction”. See the procure in LEX Change of use of fix assets intangible assets correction of input tax In the case.

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