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Accustom us to unlimit possibilities

Selfservice will therefore be a significant trend in contact centers in and beyond – are companies prepar for it? And what is the level of customer satisfaction, taking into account the currently available forms of selfservice? These data are present in the chart below Source Customer Service Excellence Report Survey of Customer Service partments in Poland, loitte, As we can see, those forms of selfservice that relate to the offer, product or service are particularly important the companies providing them have a forms of selfservice to their customers? In the already mention loitte report we read of responnts clar offering their customers.

The possibility of using selfservice

Loggin customer of Customer Service partments use social mia, offer a mobile application for customers, support contact via a website (for customers who are not logg in). Analyzing these data, we can confintly say that companies that do not offer their Argentina Mobile Number List customers the mention amenities will have to face quite a challenge this year. . Social mia on the customer contact front As mention above, only slightly more than of the survey companies provi customers with contact with BOK via social mia. The statistics show that the number of active users of these mia exce . billion (in January it was . billion). The question then arises which companies are better prepar to serve their customers? Of course, those that adapt to global trends.

Phone Number List

The increasing activity of consumers

Able to tune them to the results expect by companies. The era of chatbots Last year, as many as of responnts clar that the chatbot is their preferr communication channel with the company. This year we will see a surge in the importance of social mia UK Email Database in the contact center. This is part of the contact center trend we wrote about above convenient selfservice, as well as  online. Customers more and more often follow brands on social mia, wanting to be kept inform about new products ( of responnts) or learn more about the sales process ( ). These and other reasons are present in the chart below According to another study (Convince & Convert), as many as of consumers expect a company to solve their problem through social mia in just minutes.

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