Given this, how can we improve the CTR percentage of our emails? One of the essential strategies to achieve this is A/B testing.
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How to improve the CTR of your newsletter with AB testing: practical case
A/B testing in email marketing
A/B testing is one of the great secrets of digital marketing and at Cyberclick we believe that it is absolutely essential for success.
In the case of email marketing , there are several aspects that we can optimize and that have a decisive weight for the CTR, such as headlines, subjects, text and images . Our objective with A/B tests will be to find the most effective combination of all of them.
So before launching any email marketing
Campaign, we need to create at least two variants of each of these elements. Then, we test them with a small sample of our database. We send variant A to half of the sample and B to the rest, and then we compare the results. We select the most successful variant and then move on to the next element. And so on until we have tested all the key aspects of the email.
A/B testing functionality is built into many
Email marketing tools and is Special Database easy to use. At Cyberclick we use Hubspot’s solution.
Case study: A/B testing in Cyberclick’s email marketing
To make clear the importance of A/B testing in email marketing , let’s look at a practical case from Cyberclick that shows us how a small change can produce big results.
In our case, we tested the newsletter we sent to our subscriber base. In it, we shared C Level Contact Library remarketing manual and highlighted two of our articles as “summer content.” In total, the email contained three images.
The hypothesis we wanted to test
Was whether bright colours (in this case red) could increase CTR. We had previously experimented with this type of colour scheme in social ads . The conclusion was that on social networks, ads with bright and warm colours, which stand out against the colour palette of Facebook or Twitter, are very effective.
Email marketing improve click-through rate
So we created two versions of the email images:
In variant A , the three images had a red background, in line with our corporate image.