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Companies Cannot Count On A Change In

The principle that the increase in the foundation’s assets would not be subject to income tax was also enshrin. It’s a good solution. Moving away from the “taxation with exceptions” formula should simplify the settlements of the family foundation comments Bartosz Głowacki, tax advisor at MDDP. Read in LEX How to ensure longevity structures of family businesses Also check out the book Inheritance Gift Tax Act. Comment Links in the text of the article may refer directly to the relevant documents in the LEX program You must be logg in to view these documents Access to the content of documents in the LEX program depends on the licenses you have.

Authors The silent partnership

Does not deprive the right to Estonian CIT TAX ADVISOR NEWS Date add A limit liability company that becomes a partner in a silent partnership will not lose the right to be tax in the form of Estonian CIT. The silent partnership agreement will not violate. The condition of the lack of broadly understood Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List capital ties. This is confirm by the recent interpretation issu by the director of the National Tax Information. Share the article add to Favorites On the basis of Polish regulations, the structure of a silent partnership is not regulat. Despite this, this type of legal relationship is applicable in economic transactions.

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Interpretation problems also

Arise in the field of taxation. One of them concerns the recently popular form of taxation with Estonian CIT. A doubt arose whether the company being a party to the silent. Partnership agreement is entitl to choose a lump. Sum taxation on the UK Email Database companies’ income, whether the condition excluding this possibility from Art j point of the CIT Act. The main activity of the limit liability company are services in the field of employee outsourcing. The company intends to benefit from taxation in the form of a lump sum on corporate income. In its opinion, it meets all the conditions for choosing this form.

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