Higher sales Thanks to the appropriate integration of CRM and the contact center system, the consultant will see data on the customer’s shopping preferences as soon as he dials his phone number or starts writing a message to him. Collect in one place, with a short comment add, : favorite color – blue; takes pictures”. When contacting a given customer regarding the sale of a new smartphone, the consultant will not waste time analyzing the battery capacity, but will tell you about the built-in camera. And the housing, available in the color “sea blue”. Thanks to this, he has a much better chance of selling at the first contact.
Greater efficiency pending on the integration
Method the consultant may have access to the contact option from the CRM screen or the contact center system. For example: in CRM, next to the field with the phone number, there may be an option “Call me”. After selecting it, the consultant calls Ghana Mobile Number List the client, having the CRM screen in front of him and working directly on it. The connection itself is manag by the contact center system. Check out the solution for calling directly from CRM Salesforce – Click- -call! > The consultant can focus on the conversation: he does not have to jump between two programs and look for information in one, then in the other. Meanwhile, the data collect by the contact center system is automatically transferr to the CRM.
No one has to stay overtime to copy
Them by hand. Lower costs Higher efficiency translates into ruc operating costs. Thanks to the optimization of work, consultants have more time to spend on contact with the client. No ne to manually rewrite data from one system to another saves UK Email Database up to % of time – that’s over an hour and a half a day. For one consultant. So by integrating CRM and call center, with five people, you gain hours a week. full-time job . Excellent customer service Customers today mand fast, tailor and precise service . Therefore, more efficient and effective information management, resulting from the integration of systems, translates into customer loyalty and retention.