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Love to Which We Are Accustomed

 The pyramids of Egypt, for example, became a symbol and proof of royal authority. Since the pharaohs embodi social permanence and spiritual and temporal authority, their death endanger all of these elements. The participation of his successors in the funerary rituals provid a sense of continuity, and with it a certain tranquility. In Thailand, after the cremation of the monarch, the new king and members of the royal family traditionally search the ashes for bone fragments. These relics became objects of worship that, indirectly, meant the continuity of the presence and authority of the deceas monarch.

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 In societies as diverse as England, 18th-century France, and the Shilluk people of the Sudan, the funeral rituals of monarchs were link to cultural ideas about the nature of monarchy, political order, and the business lead transfer of authority.All the peoples of our planet had their own main deities, who present characteristics relat to the stars, the earth, fertilization and the conservation of life and property, which allow them to govern for the benefit of the development and progress of their ethnic groups, ayllus and villages until they become great civilizations or cultures.

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We have, for example, Osiris and Isis in Egypt, Marduk in Babylon, Ormuz and Arimán in Persia, Zeus in Greece, Jupiter in Rome, Quetzalcoatl in Maya and others. The same thing happen in Peruvian territory, with various peoples with their own divinities that have been represent in anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, phytomorphic and other forms . Waldemar Espinoza (1997) says: “Andean culture and civilization UK Email Database has been one since its origins, persisting for millennia. That is why when the Inca ethnic group rul Tahuantinsuyo, all the other lordships and kingdoms dominat by them continu to worship their very ancient gods, venerat in temples of also very remote construction Chavín, Pachacamac, Tunupa, Apo Catequil, in whose interiors the rites “They continu to be the same as before.

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