From the ebook you will learn: What are self-service portals what benefits do they bring to the company, employees customers? What does the work on the sign. Implementation of self-service solutions look like “from behind the scenes. How did the new transactional portal make it easy for NN Investment Partners TFI clients to invest save for retirement on their own? How did the tailor-ma system relieve consultants ruce the costs of signing documents at Towarzystwo. Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Polski Gaz ? How did the self-service portal automate the process. of making apments at BNP Paribas Bank , increasing its efficiency by % within months of implementation? How did we build a fully. Digital system for innogy Stoen Operator in months , which mov % of applications to online enabl customers to settle matters.
How did the Hella Health digital
Platform make it easier for people to. Choose mical insurance in the extremely manding American market?[report] Polish m-commerce is booming, but still nes improvement Nov , / min The results of the nd ition of the Google Polska e- survey Senegal Mobile Number List show that for Polish entrepreneurs, sales via the mobile channel are very important they are willing to improve it, but there are still many areas where better results can be achiev thus not to lose valuable opportunities for sale. M-commerce is already a significant piece of any digital commerce. This is clearly visible in the numbers growth dynamics of this segment. In , smartphones account for % of global web traffic. In , that % has grown to over.
Such growth cannot be ignor especially
Since it leads to the conclusion that nowadays more people have mobile vices than sktop computers. How to improve Polish m-commerce to compete with the best? SEE AUDIT RESULTS Global changes can also be seen in Google data. A few years ago, the company’s analysts notic that smartphones are ahead of sktops in e-commerce. In , there UK Email Database were twice as many inquiries from smartphones of the year than from sktops. The latest data from Google show that in , Polish Internet users us the Google search engine . times more often on smartphones than on traditional computers. This is reflect in the structure of traffic on e-commerce websites.