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How much does a Digital Trafficker earn in

If you want to know what a Digital Trafficker is and what it does in this article we explain everything . About one of the most popular professions currently due to the rise of advertising on social networks. In this post we talk to you about the functions you must perform to work as a digital trafficker. In the world of digital marketing, new professions continue to emerge. Some go unnoticed and others are going strong. Thus, just as a few years ago it was fashionable to be a Community Manager , today there are other types.

Of professionals in high demand

By companies and the digital marketing sector. And one of the professions that seems to be here to stay is the case of the. Trafficker  one of the professions that is generating the executive email list most growth, boom and interest. If you want to know all the functions, types. Different training and how much a Digital Trafficker charges, don’t miss this guest article by author Alejandro Castro Valín . The profile of a digital Trafficker has to be multidisciplinary , since, in many cases, not only is it enough to have knowledge of advertising, but you also have to add qualities such as image retouching, advertising writing, copywriting, etc.

How much These functions are

Mandatory  but if it is a person who works independently, they will have to know how to handle those types of qualities that I have mentioned, among others. You can see more in this UK Email Database video from Alejandro about the Trafficker. It is one of the sectors where companies dedicated to ecommerce make the greatest investment , since it is a very competitive sector and therefore requires a specialist who has extensive experience and is highly qualified. Depending on the type of product and the type of recognition that said product has in the market, the specialist’s strategy may vary. By that I mean that sometimes focusing the product on cold traffic can be a good decision or that alternative may not work and you have to attack hotter traffic.

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